Star Struck

Star Struck

*Onto every diva’s backside, a little wood must fall. Lights, Camera, Book 2* Hollywood actress Heather Wainwright was looking forward to a long, relaxing break before starting her next shoot. Except her assistant volunteered her for L.A.’s annual 24 Hour Plays. Nervous about doing a good job for such a worthy charity, Heather falls back on “diva” mode, a defense mechanism that always carries her through. Until she encounters something that really gets on her nerves—a lowly carpenter whose Norse god eyes pierce right through her. Highly sought-after production designer Seth Rafferty has little patience for A-listers with superior attitudes, which is why his attraction to Heather is absurd. Yet, sensing vulnerability beneath her screen-queen act, he lets her assumptions play out. After the wrap party, Heather awakens with little memory of the night before—except that Seth gave her the best orgasm of her life, then disappeared. When he shows up on the set of her next movie, she winds up to give him a piece of her mind…and Seth shows her just how stinging hot “chemistry” can get. Warning: Contains an outwardly snobby actress with a good heart, a delicious carpenter with a power drill, some much-deserved spanking, and an appropriately consensual—if tipsy—orgasm, as well as sex at an inappropriate time of the month.

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Top Reviews

We met Heather Wainwright briefly in Take Two, as Micah’s co-star. Being a wildly successful Hollywood actress has not solved all of Heather’s troubles. Having come from a not so happy home and growing up poor in a trailer park with two addict parents have left some very lasting impressions on Heather. Heather has learned to keep her heart safe; you need to put up walls. Push people away, keep them at arm’s length, never allowing anyone too close. Most importantly, live up to your image and...

By Ashlea Runolfsdottir

Heather was Micah’s co-star in book 1 when we met her- Star Struck is set a few months later and Heather is single, just starting work on a new project.

She has a serious reputation as a diva that appears to be very well deserved. She is also a stuck up snobby witch as she clearly demonstrates in her thoughts and actions time and again. As much as she recognizes that about herself and doesn’t like it, she can’t bring herself to change. She escaped a pretty awful home life at a young age an...

By Gabriela Swaniawski

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